Johns Hopkins University Johns Hopkins University Johns Hopkins University Johns Hopkins University

Center for Talented Youth

Part of Academic and Business Centers

Scroll down to review candidate profiles and to access the voting link.

About the Candidates

Number of open council seats: 1, either non-exempt (overtime eligible) or exempt

Linden Goff, Administrative Coordinator (non-exempt)
“I have been with JHU for just under a year, and I am currently an Administrative Coordinator in the Academic Programs unit of CTY. I am interested in joining the Staff Advisory Council to help create an inclusive work environment that is responsive to staff needs. I welcome an opportunity to join with colleagues from across the university to ensure that staff have a meaningful voice in the decisions made about our workplace.”
Rachael Pribut, HR Business Partner (exempt)
“I have been with JHU for 3 years. In my current role, I am a Human Resources Business Partner for the Center for Talented Youth (CTY) and previously the Department of Medicine! I am interested in joining the Staff Advisory Council because I am looking to actively contribute to shaping policies and positive initiatives for the greater Johns Hopkins Community. I believe that my experience has allowed me the unique opportunity to be able to offer valuable insight on key initiatives and policies regarding the needs of current and future staff, and the impact they are looking for.”

Note: Staff can only vote one time for candidates from their school/division. If you receive a message that you are unable to vote for candidates because they are not in your school/division, and you believe you received this message in error, please email for help.