Johns Hopkins University Johns Hopkins University Johns Hopkins University Johns Hopkins University

Sheridan Libraries, Archives and Museums

Scroll down to review candidate profiles and to access the voting link.

About the Candidates

Number of open council seats: 1 exempt

Jennifer Jarvis, Paper Conservator | Conservation & Preservation
“Hello, my name is Jennifer Jarvis. I have been with JHU for almost 10 years. In my current role, I am a book and paper conservator in the Department of Conservation & Preservation. I am interested in joining the Staff Advisory Council because I care deeply about my colleagues and want to ensure we all have a say when the University considers policies and practices which affect our lives, both on campus and at home. I look forward to representing the Sheridan Libraries and hope to make a positive impact on outcomes that help staff thrive.”
Emily McGinn, Digital Humanities Librarian | Digital Scholarship
“Hello, my name is Emily McGinn. I have been with JHU for a year and a half. In my current role, I am the Digital Humanities Specialist in the Digital Scholarship and Data Services department with Sheridan Libraries. I am interested in joining the Staff Advisory Council as I’d like to connect with other units and staff from across the university and work to address our shared concerns.”

Note: Staff can only vote one time for candidates from their school/division. If you receive a message that you are unable to vote for candidates because they are not in your school/division, and you believe you received this message in error, please email for help.